Tuesday, January 13, 2009

an unexpected visitor..

do u consider a surprise a good thing or a bad thing..
well mayb it depends on the surprise..
but i think a surprise is something dat could knock ur sense back into reality..
like when ur on a role and forget to turn back once in a while or forget to consider other..
then banggg..
some shit comes knocking u back to reality..

but it really suck if it happens at the wrong time..
like for instance ur so hype to go on a vacation..
and then out of nowhere, along comes mr. surprise stumbles on u..
and guess what mr. surprise is in a bad mood today..
so what do u do..?
u face mr. surprise and confront him and like smack the hell out of it..
or ur just ignore and be a hypocrite at the moment and mayb confront him later..
*dz feels like a story for kids.. o well i am a kid..

if u like confront mr surprise now u may end up with bruises and mayb a broken tooth..
but if u like save it for later u just got to have the strenght to keep it inside..
and just pray that u x burst out..
well i just chose to wait for the right moment..
u know, gather all ur strenght and weapons..
besides u have like a vacation to go to..
u x wanna spoil it for u and others rite..
so what u do is u just have a great time there and try to x think of the intruder..
just smile and when u like wanna burst or something u just go away alone for a while and calm ur self down..

gtg for now..
continue later..

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