Sunday, November 30, 2008

"Love is giving someone the ability to hurt you but trusting them not to!"

as we know this is the foundation, the glue, the force that keeps relation together..
no matter what kind of relation..
husband wife, lovers, parent child, pet & owner..
and as we all know building trust in a relationship takes hard work and commitment..
i think trust not only requires that you listen to each other and communicate your needs..
but trust requires honesty above all else..

the problem with trust in a relationship is that, it is always taken for granted..
they dont cherish, be grateful and respect the trust that was given to them..
people toy around trust like it means nothing..
they abuse it..
and when this happen, well for me, it just the end..

Whether or not trust can ever be restored depends on how badly it was damaged..
it also depends on the individual itself..
how much the spurned person feels betrayed..
and how they look at the term trust themselves..
for example me..
i'll give the person like several chance to gain back my trust..
if they like screw up 3 major times..
then bye2..
but if you’ve had your trust betrayed then you know how hard it can be to let go..
move on and fix the relationship..

i think to build trust in a realtionship is a 2 way thing..
u cant xpect only the other party to strive for it..
u urself have to contribute to it..
u must be truthful to ur self and ur lover..
it means u have to be fair by trusting ur lover as well..
maybe some boundaries should be set..
but some people just cant xcept dz can they.. hehe
sorry MTOff..
and most importantly believe in urself..

Once you’ve built trust..
you’ve done something magical..
and you should do everything in your power to keep it if..
that if you plan on maintaining your relationship la..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i screwed up twice major time dah kan?

what can i do to tell u i am so sorry...

*i am hoping there will be no 3rd time.

p/s: my word verification is wingies. Is there any english word wingies? i thought wings je. haha