Saturday, April 25, 2009

if only i could wear her shoes and makes her taste what it feels like

first of all, is the title correct x asha..?
x igt lerr..
o well. can change later if slh..
back to the title..
"if only i could wear her shoes and makes her taste what it feels like"
most of u would think "hey, shouldnt it be the other way around" or "this doesnt make sense"
yea.. technically it would sound better if it goes "if only she could wear my shoes and taste how it feels like"
mayb thats whats wrong with things now could..
people always want things to be how they are meant too..
mayb once in awhile we should open our brains and thinking broader..
like the title, it could mean that the girl x even know what she really feels..
like shes indecisive..
or mayb t means that she shouldnt feel what she's feeling..

so yea..
thing could appear more then it seems..
so we musnt judge em with an instant..
sometimes we should lean back relax and think of the situation and think of the benefits we could obtained from it..
for example td i wanted to eat mcd, but suddenly the STUPID miri mcd couldnt sell nything else xcept for chic..
at first i was kinda pissed lerr with the mcd..
but thinking back mayb its good laa kot
coz 1stly i can save some money..
secondly i wasnt in a real good mood td..
so i may not enjoy the food..
so yea.. everything have two sides to its..
its up 2 us to search for it..
am i talking nonesense lg ka..?
told u my blog x best..
x need to read it nymore leh..
da2.. go close this browser..

p/s i feel this blog is soo sucky..
will edit later kay.. mls lerr..


abdus said...

ko demam?

Anonymous said...

the first part of the post is well written
the mcd part has its own moral value tho it hardly could be relate to the title
who says this's sucky?
u just need the determination k
aku tunggu kamu edit

Syafiq Afifi said...

syaha2. huhuhu

Unknown said...

get wat u meant. maybe la. like we can choose to see things in a bigger picture kn. and take the positive side of it.

Anonymous said...

the best 'bullshit' ever from u...

u know what i mean...haha

aku setuju dgn pendapat asha.


Z said...

emo bebenor ler entri nih.